Research Team
Our research group, led by Robert Levenson, Ph.D, seeks to understand the nature of human emotion in terms of its physiological manifestations, variations associated with age, gender, culture and clinical pathology, and the role emotion plays in interpersonal interactions.

DIRECTOR & PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORRobert W. Levenson works in the areas of human psychophysiology and affective neuroscience, both of which involve studying the interplay between psychological and physiological processes. Much of his work focuses on the nature of human emotion, in terms of its physiological manifestations, variations in emotion associated with age, gender, culture, and pathology, and the role emotion plays in interpersonal interactions. Dr. Levenson's research group is currently focusing primarily on two major projects: a study of emotion and normal aging and a study of the impact of neurodegenerative diseases on emotional functioning, both supported by grants from the National Institute of Aging.

POST DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWJulian Scheffer's research examines the rewards and costs of social emotions like empathy and compassion. Previously, he was focused on how perceiving mental effort costs with both empathy and compassion associated with motivational deficits with engaging in these emotional processes. Moving into the BPL, he is hoping to explore how deficits with social emotions impact patients with neurodegenerative diseases and their caregivers, as well as whether awareness (or lack thereof) of any such deficits relates to caregiver mental health and patient mortality. Julian previously received his M.A. from University of Iowa, and his Ph.D. from Penn State University.

LAB MANAGERScott Newton is the lab manager for the Berkeley Psychophysiology Lab. He contributes to the collection and coding of data, facilitates communication between lab members, collaborators, and participants, tests experimental stimuli and equipment, and helps prepare datasets for research publications. Scott is experienced in facial and behavior coding and serves as an instructor to students and staff members in physiological measurement and processing. He is skilled in working with individuals with dementia and suicidal ideation. Scott received his B.A. in Psychology from Cal State Fullerton.

LAB R&D, AND IT TECHNICIANDeepak is the lab technician.